
REVIEW: Discovery 3zero loudspeaker Audio Test, Germany

DISCOVER DISCOVERY 3zero The Discovery 3zero  loudspeaker with a Phantom Belladonna finish graced the front cover of German hifi journal, Audio Test which was circulating at the Munich HIGH END at the end of May. Within the review Patrice Lipeb touches upon different examples of the integrated design and manufacturing philosophy here at Wilson Benesch.… Continue reading REVIEW: Discovery 3zero loudspeaker Audio Test, Germany

REVIEW: Resolution 3zero ~ Audio Technique Hong Kong

DISCOVER RESOLUTION 3zero The Wilson Benesch Resolution 3zero loudspeaker was the cover feature in May 2023s Edition of Audio Technique Magazine. Audio Technique is the leading HIFI journal in Hong Kong and China and the magazine dedicated not one, but three writers to the task of reviewing the Resolution 3zero loudspeaker. The writing team included… Continue reading REVIEW: Resolution 3zero ~ Audio Technique Hong Kong

EVENT: Munich HIGH END Show Preview 2/3

With one week now to the opening of the world largest High End Audio exhibit, we are delighted to share with you a preview of the new GMT System Turntable plus the full system architecture that will be presented in our demonstration room E225 this year. Following our first show preview which announced that Wilson… Continue reading EVENT: Munich HIGH END Show Preview 2/3

EVENT: Munich HIGH END Show Preview 1/3

Wilson Benesch will return to the Munich HIGH END for the 2023 edition of the World’s largest and leading HIFI Show. Every year the Munich HIGH END draws around 20,000 visitors as industry professionals and customers come to Bavaria to see and hear the latest cutting edge audio technologies.   In this spirit, Wilson Benesch… Continue reading EVENT: Munich HIGH END Show Preview 1/3