
Endeavour 3zero Premiere at the North German Hifi Days Exhibit

German import partner IAD presented the new Endeavour 3zero at the North German Hifi Days Exhibit in Hamburg at the end of August. This was the first public presentation of the new Endeavour 3zero which is part of the new Wilson Benesch reference loudspeaker line the Fibonacci Series.

The Endeavour 3zero was finished in one of Wilson Benesch’s new Premium Paint finishes called ‘Senna Volcanic Orange’. With the high gloss pain cheeks and black carbon fibre finishing on the biocomposite A.C.T. 3zero enclosure, the Endeavour 3zero looked supreme. 


IAD partnered the Endeavour 3zero with Japanese electronics from SoulNote. Reports from the show are shared below and can be read using google translate for those who do not read German. 

HIFI Statement report from the show read in German here (google translate to read in your language). Report 1.
i-Fidelity.net report from the show, read in German here (google translate to read in your language). Report 2.


To arrange a demonstration of the Endeavour 3zero Loudspeaker, you can contact Wilson Benesch via our ‘Contact‘ page.

Alternatively contact your official Wilson Benesch Importer using our ‘Distribution‘ page.