
A.C.T. 3zero Exhibits in Italy at the GRAN GALÀ DELL’ALTA FEDELTÀ

Italian distribution partner MadForMusic will present the new A.C.T. 3zero loudspeaker from the reference Fibonacci Series for the first time in Italy at the Gran Galà dell’Alta Fedeltà.


The Gran Galà dell’Alta Fedeltà takes place in Padova near Venice. This will be the first edition of the exhibit since the pandemic.


The show will take place 26-27th November 2022.

Date: 26-27 November 2022

Location: Padova, Italy


To arrange a demonstration of the A.C.T. 3zero Loudspeaker, you can contact Wilson Benesch via our ‘Experience Wilson Benesch‘ page.

Alternatively contact your official Wilson Benesch Importer using our importer map.