
The Prince’s Rainforests Project

Wilson Benesch products not only last a life time but at the end of their life they can be totally recycled. Our advanced manufacturing technologies are orientated around moulded or extruded, zero waste stock where ever possible and local sourcing is a priority that sees 85% of many of the companies designs being produced from within the company from raw materials sourced within the region or the U.K. So whilst we manufacture we do so with a philosophical stand point that we believe to be cognisant of the very important issues connected with climate change.

Today we would like to take this opportunity to announce that Wilson Benesch as a company is adding its name to the Princes Rain Forest Project. The company and its employees will be supporting this initiative in every conceivable way and we would urge you, who ever you are who might be reading this to follow the link and do as we have, sign up!

We are thrilled to see the Prince making him self a focal point for concerned companies, businesses and individuals from across the world. December will be the next global meeting where this issue will be discussed again. We must all seek to deliver a global, united voice against the destruction of a world resource that is beyond value and must be protected at any cost.

You may have read in an earlier post that Phoebe Amato-Pace has been sponsored by the company to visit Peru and as part of her World Challenge we look forward to a report about the Peruvian rain forest.