Wilson Benesch is delighted to announce that it is now distributed by the highly regarded and long established Taurus High-End. René Trömner has many years experience in the High End. We look forward to collaborating with René and his staff, many of who we already know and who share our passion for our work. We would also like to wish the team every success in their new purpose built premises.
taurus high-end gmbh
Garstedter Weg 174
D-22453 Hamburg
Tel.: +49-40-553 53 58
Fax.: +49-40-553 54 54
E-Mail: info@taurus-high-end.de
Geschäftsführer: René Trömner
Handelsregister Hamburg HR B68880
Gerichtsstand: Hamburg
USt.IdNr.: DE 118638016
Elektro-Altgeräte Register: WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 47581377 & DE 37199847
Taurus High-End übernimmt mit großem Stolz den Vertrieb von Wilson Benesch für Deutschland und Österreich.