
Nanotube One Tonearm. Another World’s First

Wilson Benesch has pioneered the use of carbon fibre structures in audio design. The fibres which are 50 times thinner than a human hair impart immense strength and stiffness especially when shaped according to naturally correct forms like curves or hyperbolic tubes, both of which have been exploited in products by Wilson Benesch. It is well known that the structural performance capabilites of carbon fibre is well beyond that of all other known materials. With almost two decades experience in working and developing materials for audio applications, Wilson Benesch is ideally positioned to take advantage of the amazing potential of the perfect structure that may well dwarf the information age in terms of importance.

Nano tubes are 50,000 times thinner than a human hair. They are hollow cylinders of atoms with a range of unique properties: structural, electrical and chemical. They were discovered in 1991 by S. Iijima. They are the strongest materials that have ever been made and are the next step forward for dramatic improvements in performance in structures especially those made of carbon fibre / epoxy matrix.

The strength of the sp² carbon-carbon bonds gives carbon nanotubes amazing mechanical properties. The stiffness of a material is measured in terms of its Young’s modulus, the rate of change of stress with applied strain. The Young’s modulus of the best nanotubes can be as high as 1000 GPa which is approximately 5x higher than steel. The tensile strength, or breaking strain of nanotubes can be up to 63 GPa, around 50x higher than steel. These properties, coupled with the lightness of carbon nanotubes, gives them great potential in audio applications.

The Future is Carbonnano.pdf